Calling all Esthers & Mordecai’s…
I just want to encourage you to take 4 minutes of your time and watch this video from Lou Engle about ‘A Million Women’, an Esther call to the Mall in Washington D.C. on The Day of Atonement (12th October)…
If you’re anything like me, you watched this clip once and had to go back and watch it again (and maybe a few more times after that). I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve watched it. But every time I do, it’s like something ignites within me. I feel stirred.
I think many of us are feeling the urgency of the hour we are in. We are awakening to see that this is not a time to keep quiet, to sit back, go with the flow and just see what happens.
I’m reminded of Mordecai’s words to Esther:
“For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)
Esther’s response to Mordecai’s exhortation was to call a fast and raise her voice in the courts of Heaven, before risking her life to take her request before the King to see the deliverance of her people.
It’s time to raise our voice and take our stand.
I’m moved by what the Lord spoke to Francis Frangipane as he studied the history of revivals. He saw that there were organised prayer movements preceding each revival - except one. The Jesus Movement. When he asked the Lord why, the Lord responded “I answered the prayer of a million mothers.” In the countercultural revolution of the 60’s, where millions of youth were being drowned in the drug, sexual, and ideological rebellion – a million mothers cried out for their children. And God answered.
Fast forward to today - Once again, we have come to a moment where there is a fierce battle over a generation, where demonic ideologies and agendas have been raging…it’s time to take a stand for truth and cry out for mercy. It’s time to apply the blood of Jesus and declare His victory over witchcraft and the powers of darkness. It’s time to believe for a mighty move of God.
There’s SO much that the Lord has been speaking relating to this gathering. But I want to bring you in on just a tiny snippet of what the Lord has been saying by sharing a dream Christy Johnston had. I believe it is significant. Moreover, the timing of her dream was pretty significant too - she had this dream while she was on her way to a Sean Feucht ‘Let us Worship' gathering on the Mall in Washington D.C. in October 2020 (she had this dream before she knew anything about Lou’s dream or the million women gathering). Lou was also at that event, and she was astounded when he got up on stage and began to share his dream about a million women on the Mall. Let me show you why:
In Christy’s dream, Christy was standing on a stage in Washington D.C. next to Lou Engle (she’d not met Lou at this point). In front of them was a crowd of a million women. Papa Lou then turned to Christy and handed her the microphone and said ‘Prophesy Christy’. So, she took the microphone but she was shaking nervously. All of a sudden, to her left, appeared a woman who morphed into the character Ursula from the little mermaid. (For context, Ursula is the seawitch in ‘The Little Mermaid’ who tries to take Ariel’s voice - Ariel means ‘Lion of God’). In the dream, Ursula viciously grabbed the microphone out of Christy’s hands and started laughing. As Ursula took the microphone, Christy stepped back in intimidation. In the dream, Christy knew that Ursula represented the spirit of Jezebel which has been waring against the body of Christ to try and silence the people. But then Papa Lou turned to Christy and said ‘what are you doing? why have you stepped back?’. Christy then looked at the crowd of women in front of her and all of a sudden began to feel this rumble and roar growing deep within her tummy. She turned to Ursula and grabbed the microphone back - it was a wrestle though. It was a wrestle to get her voice back. But as Christy grabbed the microphone, a sound - a roar - began to erupt out of her. As she roared over the crowd in front of her, it was like a sound wave hit the million women and they too began to roar. Christy and Papa Lou were still stood on the stage, looking out towards the Washington monument with the Supreme Court behind them. As the roar of the women came back towards the stage, it knocked them over and suddenly Ursula disappeared - Ursula just disintegrated at the sound of this roar. And the roar hit the supreme court. As it hit the supreme court, a gargoyle fell to ground and shattered into a million pieces.
This dream isn’t just about one particular event (though that is significant), but it’s also about what the Lord is doing across earth right now. There is a sound, a ROAR arising. It is the roar of sons and daughters, the roar of the lion of the tribe of Judah that will see Jezebel flee, break demonic strongholds and shatter principalities. HALLELUJAH!
As I say, Christy’s dream really is only a tiny snippet of what the Lord has been speaking. But I hope that sharing it helps bring you in to the story. This really is a significant hour. Let us be those with eyes to see. And this gathering on the 12th, The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur - one of the holiest days in the Jewish Calendar which is a day of prayer, fasting and repentance) is not just a good idea for an event someone had - it’s something the Lord has been orchestrating.
So, as our brothers and sisters take to the Mall in Washington D.C. in prayer and fasting on the Day of Atonement, pleading the better blood of Jesus and believing for a mighty shift in their nation, let us join with them. Let’s raise our voices as Esthers in the UK, let’s stand and contend with our brothers and sisters in America in this critical hour.
I’m reminded of D-Day during WWII when the Allied forces launched an invasion on the beaches of Normandy, France. British and American forces operated side-by-side against a common enemy. It was a turning point in the war. It marked the start of a campaign to liberate north-west Europe from Nazi occupation, and to bring about an end to the war. But the allied forces needed each other. They wouldn’t have managed such a feat on their own.
Countries across Africa, South America and Asia are all mobilising to join in prayer and fasting on October 12th… My question is, will the UK do the same? And could it be that as we stand, contend and believe for another’s breakthrough, that this could be a defining moment? Let’s not let this moment pass us by.
So I just want to encourage you with a few ways we can respond:
PRAYER - would you join in prayer? Mark October 12th in your diary and join in with prayer, fasting and communion. Maybe you want to gather your family, friends or small group together to pray… it could be from today all the way until October 12th (but you don’t have to stop then!)
I want to invite you to join me on a UK prayer call at 9am (UK time) on October 12th to lift our voices in prayer. Whether there be a few of us or many, let’s come in intercession. If you want to join us you can sign up here:
I also want to encourage you to join in with the live-stream event from 2pm - Midnight UK time, you can join in for some or all of the event! You should be able to find the livestream on, Lou Engle Ministries Youtube on the day!
SHARE - let’s get the word out. Share Lou’s video with a friend, talk to someone about it, forward this email…you never know who will hear it and run with it!
And finally, GO - the day is fast approaching, but there might be someone reading this who feels like they need to do what they can to get over there and be on the Mall on October 12th. Whether you feel like you need to be there in person, or perhaps enable someone else to get there, I’d say - Go for it!
You can find out more and let them know you’re coming here:
or reply to this email and I’ll see what I can do to help!
What an exciting time we are in!
Much love,
Watch Christy Johnson share her dream (from 2:16:45 in) here at The Gathering or here at 222 (from 56:29 in).
A Million Women :